social awarenesS
Unique Strengths is an initiative that aims to shed light on the hidden traits of neurodivergent* brains and the brains of those who struggle with mental health. We want to reveal their beauty, strengths, and creativity to the world in order to allow for a judgment-free paradigm shift in society’s behaviour.
We aim to help de-stigmatize mental health misconceptions, challenge the current social norms, and create a world where everyone is free to express their true selves.
*Neurodivergent brains work differently in social preferences, ways of learning, communicating, and perceiving the environment around them; and due to these different struggles, they develop unique strengths.
join our
The world is opinionated and judgmental in nature 💬, and now more than ever we are in need for a safe space where everyone can express themselves stigma-free 🌻.
Let’s share, learn, and most importantly, #RadiateUniqueness 💥.
We are true believers in the yin-yang concept where energy duality provides balance and harmony that exists in everything. While neurodiversity can be eccentric and alienating, and mental health disorders disturbing and debilitating, there are unique strengths that shine through them.
Our mission is to provide insight and shed light on these special capabilities and capacities; and how they would flourish and thrive if nurtured within the right environment.

help us spread the word
We would love to hear from you!
Please share your story with neurodiversity and mental health or an experience you went through with someone. You can suggest a topic to discuss, ask a question, recommend a survey to conduct, or just share your feelings if you only want to be heard. Furthermore, let us hear your thoughts on what you feel is missing in regards to neurodiversity and mental health locally and internationally.
For your anonymity, we will not request any personal information (name and email), though it will be great to know the unique person behind the story if you wish to mention it within your message. Nevertheless, please provide us with your demographical information where applicable (age, sex, place of residence, education level, occupation, family status, and income).
*Any personal information provided will NOT be collected, shared, and is 100% anonymous. The demographical data will help us create an understanding of the geographical, demographical, and socioeconomics associated with mental health for a better assessment.